Sam Garner
17 Jan 2024
Coleg Gwent H&S Awareness
On Wednesday 17th January our Health and Safety Team Gareth Reeves and Sam Garner attended Coleg Gwent along with fellow working well together members Keith Hopkinson (Knox & Wells), Phillip Wolfenden (Wates Group) and Suzi Perkins (CITB). The aim of this visit was to help young tradespeople have a better understanding of Health and Safety when they finally qualify.
During the day the team spoke with students from Plumbing, Carpentry and Bricklaying and got them involved with an interactive task. The task saw them planning the site and identifying the risks/hazards that could occur when rennovating their work area.
Thanks to Claire Reardon who coordinated our visit and a thanks to the students who got involved, we wish you all the best of luck with your course and whatever the future holds.